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Ohio Heritage
Research Tools



Ohio Townships Online

Many of the townships listed (scroll down to middle of page) have History, Cemeteries, Churches, Photos....lots to explore and maybe discover here

Rootsweb Town Search - Find out What county your town is in here.

Miami Valley Ohio Genealogial Index - Searchable Datebase of Ohio, all counties, on-line info

Ancient Calendars - Have an obit and says Grandma died last Saturday...in 1863. (Find the date here!)

BIRTHDATE CALCULATOR Calculates birthdate from death date and age of death in day/month/year format

DECIPHERING OLD HANDWRITING excellent examples you'll need to review old documents & records!

Dating old Photographs - several links to choose from

Find a Location - great tool for finding places (lakes, churches, hopitals, etc)

Directions - Have a place and need to know how to get there? Get driving directions and a map here!

zip code lookup

Five Generation Pedigree Form - Printable blank form to use for gathering family informationi.

Ohio township lookup (what county it was in)

Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet (over 76,950 links)