Beautiful campsite in Sebastian....but without our screen room, the biting sand flies would have made the trip unbearable.
We found ways to stay away from camp during the day to avoid them.

Wood Storks, an endangered species of Florida Birds, gather round Dave with curiosity as he gets fresh seawater for our bait

Spanish Mackeral were biting on the Surfside fishing pier. The bugs were not biting - the stiff sea breeze keeping them away.

Great place to fish in the early morning, but as the sun rose higher....most folks were seeking shade.

Ahhhh. Shade, at last. An excellent fishing pier underneath the bridge. It was interesting to watch the tide
go in and then out. The current was very swift during the change in tide.

Next Day. We meet up with my Sis, Cap'n Suz and her boat.

Double Trouble, Dave calls this one. Janie & Suzy catching up as we cruise with Suz on the Indian River. No bugs! Away
from the Mangrove swamp, it's not a problem.

Suzy perfects her bait casting skills with her new net.

Fishin' Sisters. The fish weren't biting, but we're having fun! Suzy did catch plenty of bait, though - now a master of
her cast net. I'm impressed with the Sis, here!

Dave and Marty are "bow riders" as Cap'n Suz navigates us to a neat little swimming spot on the River. She really
knows her stuff! She even rescued a sinking boater who was lost on the River that day. As we came in at the boat ramp, we
overheard a small commotion from some men with a radio and a buddy somewhere on the River, lost and sinking. Suzy volunteered
to help find him and they took off. She found him and towed him to safety. Cap'n Suz is our Heroine of the Day!

Map of the Park

We had a beautiful view of the Inlet and the Indian River

Curiosity satisfied apparently, the storks mosey back to their group on the beach. First time we've ever been "Human-watched"
by birds!

Wood Storks.....storking
Click this link for more info about Wood Storks

Good view of the jetty that the fishing pier is located on. Good view of Dave, too.

Surfers rule this stretch of the beach located on the north side of the jetty. Even with little to no surf up on this
day....they waited for waves, ever hopeful.

Surf's UP, finally. Not much, but at least these guys (and gals) did manage to catch a wave or two.

Cap'n Suz and first mate, Dave. She taught Dave how to navigate the Channel markers.

Peterson's Island, Suzy calls this. One of many islands located in the middle of the river, we stop here to lunch
and fish.

FirstMate, Dave pushing off from Peterson's's time to go pick up the nephew, Marty, who's just out of school now.

Perfect ending to a beautiful day. Sunset on the Indian River from our camp.
